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Learn new stuff
BoxNetwork: Tons of info and links for everything electronic. Take a look at BlackBox and CodeBox.

DevLibrary: has tutorials covering Ada to Visual Basic and nearly everything in between.

Programmers Heaven: covers assembler to Windows Administration and has links to freeware/shareware compilers, IDE's and other utilities.

Beginners Guide to Installing Linux: very good guide to installing Linux by Norman Matloff, Prof. of Computer Science at UC Davis.

Cnet Builder: some pretty good stuff from CNet.

Webmonkey: very thorough site with lots of stuff from beginning programming to UNIX and Apache Web Server Administration.

Web Developers Virtual Library: Tons of useful information and tutorials, from beginners to advanced topics.

Free-Ed.net: lots of courses and online books that you can work through.

Oracle 7 documentation: Online documentation for Oracle 7. Plus good SQL information.

Want to help?
If you can code (or want to learn) html, perl, css, javascript, etc please email me I would love some help in getting this site up and running.

Got content?
If you have content (news, events, tutorials, links, etc...) Submit It! and I'll post it.

(C)2000 j7da