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Connect with other OKC geeks

OKCtech Chat: meet online with other OKC geeks.

OKCtech Message Board : leave a message for other OKC geeks.

OKCtech Submissions:Contact OKCtech with news, events, ideas. articles, tutorals, links etc. We'll check it out and publish your stuff.

Chat and messaging is provided by Multicities.com. There are ad's and OKCtech can't responsible for their content or where you go by following their links.

Want to help?
If you can code (or want to learn) html, perl, css, javascript, etc please email me I would love some help in getting this site up and running.

Got content?
If you have content (news, events, tutorials, links, etc...) Submit It! and I'll post it.

(C)2000 j7da